Kazune Shintaku was born in 1986 and started to paint when she was a toddler. After completed Tama Art University in Tokyo, she took and graduated a postgraduate course in illustration in the same school in 2012. She has had a number of exhibitions both in Tokyo and Osaka.
Kazune Shintaku lives in her studio surrounded by the sea and mountains of Beppu, a tourist destination famous for its hot springs, and expresses the emotions she experiences through the image of young girls. She aims to portray the feelings of hurt and pain, loneliness and rejection that arise during adolescence, as well as a longing for the outside world.
She uses oil and alkyd resin and brings to her work vibrant colours and humour which recall medieval tempera paintings. In contrast, she captures pain and dark emotions and gives them a distinct presence, with the intention of evoking a dialogue with the viewer's own pain.
1/6-22 新宅和音/雪下まゆ二人展(みうらじろうギャラリー)
2/10-12 ART in Park Hotel Tokyo(Park Hotel Tokyo/みうらじろうギャラリー)
2/18,19 ART NAGOYA(ホテルナゴヤキャッスル/みうらじろうギャラリー)
2/24-3/12 Faces and Heads 2017(みうらじろうギャラリー)
5/30-6/11 夢見るタロット展(ギャラリーまぁる)
7/7-9 ART OSAKA(ホテルグランヴィア大阪/みうらじろうギャラリー)
8/25-9/10 個展「春から夏へ」(みうらじろうギャラリー)
9/20 べっぷるインタビュー記事 掲載
11月 アルマ展(ギャラリーアーク)
11/24-12/3 別府アートマンス(別府市公会堂)
2/16-18 ART NAGOYA(ホテルナゴヤキャッスル/みうらじろうギャラリー)
3/1-10 魅惑の人物画展(ギャラリーアーク)
3/8-11 ART in Park Hotel Tokyo(Park Hotel Tokyo/みうらじろうギャラリー)
3月発行 The Guide Artists ~Fine Art, Sculpture and much Japan(スペイン)掲載
4月号 アートコレクターズ 驚きの新人必見の若手 掲載
5/17-5/24 乱歩先生とわたし(東武百貨店池袋店)
5/24-6/2 アグライア展(ギャラリーアーク)
7/6-8 ART OSAKA(ホテルグランヴィア大阪/みうらじろうギャラリー)
8月号 アートコレクターズ 無敵な少女その魅力に迫ろう! 掲載